As women, we take care of everyone around us, but often don't find time to take care of ourselves. We are ending our Women's Health Matters series for 2020 with a Spa Day event focused on caring for our skin, hair and nails. We'll be putting on our face masks (the soothing kind that make our skin soft and happy) and learning how to stay healthy from the outside in.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: This event will take place via Zoom and is a private event for WOMEN ONLY. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqf-qsqzMoHtcUAJB9R7lwWPmB4U59f-va
Spa Day is being coordinated by MWO's Women's Health Task Force. To get involved, or for details, email Farzana at Health@mwo-orlando.org