MWO has the BEST volunteers…EVER! Masha’Allah! In a year of uncertainty, you showed up and continued working to empower women. Let's celebrate all that you helped achieve and kiss 2020 goodbye with a night of games, surprises, and maybe a little dancing too.
We also invite our volunteers to stop by the MWO Hub Sunday, 12/13, between 2pm and 4pm for a gift box with everything you need to make the our Girls' Night extra special! If you cannot stop by to pick up on the 13th, no stress, just email for alternate pick up/drop off arrangements.
At our celebration, like every year, we'll have our Board Election. One of the special things about MWO is the ability of women to truly become part of this organization in a meaningful way by joining the Board and determining its direction and priorities, as well as working on its sustainability. All of our paid members are invited to vote and those who have been members since 2019 are invited to run for Treasurer this year. For details, visit: December 8th is the Nomination deadline.