April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. 1 out of 6 American women experiences a completed or attempted rape. One out of 8 Muslim women surveyed from our own community reported to have been a survivor of rape. So for our monthly Real Talk discussion, we'll be talking about what to do if you or someone you know experiences sexual violence. Our Community Manager, Alyssa Elaskari, a survivor of sexual assault, will be joined by Reem Monzer Elkhaldi, founder of Healing Our Homeland who is an attorney who was assigned to the Special Victim's Unit and specializes in gender-based violence and crimes against children.
After sexual assault, it’s hard to know how to react. You may be physically hurt, emotionally drained, or unsure what to do next. You may be considering working with the criminal justice system, but are unsure of where to start. Learning more about what steps you can take following sexual violence can help ground you in a difficult time. Recovering from sexual assault or abuse is also a process. That process looks different for everyone. It may take weeks, months, or years: there’s no timetable for healing. We will share resources and provide guidance to help you be there for someone, or navigate the process yourself.
The presentation will be live on facebook, but those who register can join us on Zoom for a Q&A.
About Reem Monzer Elkhaldi:
Reem is the founder of Healing Our Homeland, and has served as an Assistant State Attorney in the Ninth Judicial Circuit, Florida where she handled thousands of criminal cases, from DUI Manslaughter to Sexual Assault to Robbery with a Firearm. While at the Office of the State Attorney, Reem was assigned to the Special Victim’s Unit and specializes in gender-based violence and crimes against children.