We are so excited to be celebrating the opening of the new Mercy Center for Women. It was the result of a collaboration between many organizations and is being led by the efforts of our friends at ICNA Relief USA. It meets a huge need in the community. Over half the women we surveyed experience some form of abuse. Domestic violence cases are increasing in the US and around the world as people who are already in abusive relationships can no longer escape by going to work or seeing friends. Now, more than ever, women need a safe refuge in their times of crisis.
Join us for "A Night with Mercy" as we go Facebook Live on April 16th to get a glimpse inside the new Mercy Center and find out about how they help women in crisis and how you can support them. We'll also be talking about techniques women can use in abusive situations to protect themselves when they are locked in with their abusers.
This event is a project of MWO's Violence Against Women Task Force. For more information or to get involved, email us at vaw@mwo-orlando.org.
Tune in on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/MWO.Orlando
Wednesday, April 16th at 7pm